The LIFT (Low-cost Initiative for First-Time Buyers) Open Market Shared Equity (OMSE) scheme has helped over 13,000 people since 2005. Applicants can receive up to 40% funding towards the price of a home on the open market.

How does the scheme work? 

The Scottish Government contributes between 10% and 40% towards the price of a home you have chosen on the open market. For example, if you find a home for £100,000 and can afford to contribute £70,000 (through mortgage and deposit), the Scottish Government could provide the remaining 30% (£30,000). When the property is sold, 30% of the sale price would be returned to the Scottish Government.

In most areas you can increase your equity share to 100% over time if you choose to do so.

The Scottish Government’s contribution depends on the amount of mortgage you can get compared to the value of the property that meets your needs. Price thresholds apply.

Who is eligible? 

The scheme is open to the following groups:

  • First-time buyers
  • Social renters
  • People with a disability who can demonstrate a housing need
  • Members of the armed forces
  • Veterans who have left the armed forces within the past two years
  • Widows, widowers and other partners of service personnel who have lost their life while serving in the armed forces within the last two years
  • People aged over 60 who can demonstrate a housing need

If you can raise more than 90% of the value of the property, you will not be eligible for the scheme.

There is a similar scheme for applicants aged over 60.

How do I apply?

Speak to our Expert Mortgage Advisers, who will establish how much you can borrow and what deposit contribute would be required. We will also assist you with regards to completing the application to be accepted for the LIFT Scheme – 0141 370 0480 –

What size and price of property can I buy? 

When buying through the LIFT scheme, you choose a property for sale on the open market. To be eligible for LIFT, properties must be:

  • Advertised for sale publicly e.g. on a website or social media site, and
  • Priced within the maximum threshold for the Local Authority area.

Price thresholds are set by number of apartments. An apartment is a habitable room, including bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms and box rooms. Kitchens, bathrooms and conservatories are not classed as apartments. For example, a three-apartment property could have two bedrooms and a living room.

For applications made on or after 15 December 2020, applicants can apply for any size of property that they meet the financial criteria for.

Your Contribution must be between 60% and 90% of the Actual Purchase Price. Your Minimum Expected Contribution from mortgage and savings is based on your income. You may contribute more if an IFA confirms it is affordable to do so.

The Actual Purchase Price must not exceed the Maximum Price for that area and size. The Actual Purchase Price also must not exceed the property valuation. You are otherwise not restricted on maximum property size.

More information

For more information about the LIFT Open Market Shared Equity scheme, please get in touch with us, and we can organsie a chat to discuss the options available to you in more detail;-

Phone: 0141 370 0480


Write: 638 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow G31 3BU